Homes designed to improve your wellbeing
Our homes reflect a beauty, sophistication and strength that’s inspired by the outside world. Open floorplans, high ceilings, atriums and expansive windows (even floor-to-ceiling) allow you to design vast interior spaces that transition to the outside world so seamlessly, you may not know where one ends and the other begins. These features work together to create a sense of visual calm that decreases anxiety and promotes greater peace of mind.
Quieting the sound and the fury
Using an advanced air filtration system, we create a tight, well-insulated home that provides excellent indoor air quality, and minimizes inside-outside noise transfer, giving you and your family more peace and privacy.

Breathe deep
Beyond our advanced air filtration system, we use low-and no-VOC building products—including paint, flooring, and adhesives—which also help you breathe easier.

Light and air to lift your spirits
When we build a home, we adjust the structure of the building itself to adapt to changes in the local climate. For example, in Japan, long eaves help prevent the summer sun and hot air from entering. In the winter, wide windows and openings allow sunlight to come in from a lower angle, and windows placed on the north side improve airflow by creating breezeways. Our homes provide a consistently comfortable environment that lets you enjoy the benefits of fresh air and sunlight throughout the year, while curbing the expense of air conditioning.

Where nature meets nurture
At SHAWOOD, we build homes using materials that are proven to withstand decades of mistreatment by the elements, while blending with the natural beauty of their environment. Not only does this give you a home that grows more beautiful and increases in value over time, but it also nurtures the people, wildlife and landscape that surrounds it.

Become part of the scenery
Our garden and greenspace planning is based on the concept of Gohon-no-ki, a concept developed by our parent company, Sekisui House. Literally translated as “five trees,” Gohon-no-ki includes planting five indigenous trees for each home—three for the birds, and two for the butterflies. These spaces revive and sustain the local ecosystem—from trees and plant life to animals and their habitat. You’ll find yourself spending a lot of time here, as they promise to revive and sustain you, too.